Sunday, May 29, 2011

we had Dinner for the May Birthdays, a few weren't able to be there . Birthday Girl Sue, Birthdat Boy Joseph and Birthday Boy Danny. Missed them all ! Not sure what this look was about  Chris!
BirthdayBoy Chris
 Cap and Piper were having a very intersting conversation Lol
Birthday girl Cap
 Piper loves her salad, with ranch of course Hahaha!
Piper and her salad
                           Mandy looking sweet as ever ;p
                                                          Cheese !!!!!!!!
 Its funny how my GBabies always seem to just pop up in pics !!!
Jane,  Me and Piper
 It was so nice that Dola came to celebrate with us. {Jane's MIL } 
 After Dinner Mandy, Piper and I went to the mall, and I found these sandals, I had to have them they were so cute plus my other shoes were killing my feet !!!!! 
My fabulous new sandals !!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Special Dinner !

We had dinner at the Cotten Patch for Piper's Graduation  ......
 Piper and me her GiGi !!!!!
 Her Mom& Dad {Mandy & Chris} and her little brother {Shawn}
 Sheloved her cake, but she told me she dosen't like Chocolate, really what girl dosen't like Chocolate cake ???
 So being tthe GiGi that I am I bought  her a vanilla cupcake. I love her so much...........

Spending the day with the Graduate !

Spent the day with Piper after Graduation.....we played Chutes and ladders , she won twice and I'm not sure but she may have let me win once LOL
 then she jumped some serious jump rope, she is good and I'm not saying this because she is my GBaby ;o)
 Then we baked some shrinky dinks,remember those? We had a fun time just the two of us !!!! 
 But I guess it was to much fun, the one day she didn't have to take a nap !!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Piper getting ready to walk the stage !!!
 She was walking so fast , made it hard to get a pic LOL!
 Piper with her class mates....
 Her teacher Mrs. Lane, it took Piper quite a few months to realize that Mrs. Lane didn't need her help.'

Leaving the kindergarten class for the last time, she is now a FIRST GRADER!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Son-n-law Chris!

Today was Chris's Birthday, he had a rough start to his day.. Piper was very sick during the night, and threw up on him! And so Mandy baked him a birthday cake,because he is such a great DAD!    Piper and Shawn met him in the garage and told him to close his eyes...
It was hard for him to walk with his eyes closed, but the kids helped him into the house!!!He did seem surprised!

Blowing out the candles, Shawn was so ready for cake he helped his Dad blow out the candles..... I say let him eat cake!!! Happy Birthday Chris..........

The End yeah right !

Well as you can see the end of the world didn't happen , big shock!!! Any way as you can see we are still here! My sweet Mandy!!
 Piper says Hello!
 Shawn enjoying his pizza!
 And a big hello from me!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

National Scrapbook Weekend 2011

Best bunch of scrapers I ever met! There was alot  of scraping going on! 
We had the largest group sooooo we won all kinds of cool stuff !   
 Jane and I picked these fabulous and sexy cricket sunglasses, we all had so much fun, and we got a lot of scrapbooking done ! Can't wait untill our next retreat in August !!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Egg Drop !

I know I'm a little behind. Easter has been over for awhile , but I really wanted to share this. At our Church they droped 35 thousand easter eggs from a helicopter!                                
 Piper is in the middle of the crowd, it took at least 20 mins to drop all the eggs and it took less than 5 mins to sweep the field clean!
 Piper and Shawn with their loot, now thats way to much candy for two little cuties!

Friday, May 20, 2011

My GBabies and their tree...

This is the tree that a very sweet lady gave me to give the kids its a dogwood tree. 
 Everyday when I pick my GBabies up from daycare they both want to water it.
 Poor tree, instead of  a Dogwood it may turn out to be a waterlogged tree !  either way I can't wait to see it next year, it should be very tall with all the TLC they are giving it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pipers T-Ball Game

Piper is baseball ready, she had a game today. She comes from a family that plays a lot of ball !
She was running so fast she lost her batting helmet, but she came in SAFE !!!! YEA
 She used a different bat today, and man she hit that ball, she has her own bat it's pink! But she can hit better with the other one!!!!!! Go Piper :o) 
 My Daughter Mandy , Pipers Mom and her  husband Chris, and Piper of course and her sweet , sweet brother Shawn !!!
Well that was my evening !!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

my Dot Dog

My sweet Little Dot Dog!
She loves having her pic taken !
 She is so sweet, but she is kinda of a blanket hog Lol

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mary Kay Party

My First Mary Kay Party , We had so much fun 
loved playing makeup

even Piper and Maddie had fun
Liz and Amy aren't you cute
aren't we beautiful!!!!
Jane and Sue and Mandy
and last but not least Liz and Amy! they all were all so sweet we really need to do it again soon ! ! !