Thursday, July 14, 2011

Whats Thats Smell !

I think the old ones called it RAIN, I didn't witness it, some people did get some of it, I think they said it was liquid falling from the clouds ! Maybe someday I too will get to see it. But weren't the clouds beautiful ?

People were staring while I was takeing pics in the United parking Lot on Jacksboro Hwy ! Guess I did look a little strange LOL

Sunday, July 10, 2011

After Sister Sunday Activitis !

Sue was ready to go home after Sister Sunday , but her car was not so she had to call, 
 Big Daddys, and Phillip was there to help her out. Very nice young man!!!!
 that's one nasty battery, and the culprit, to the car no starting!
 but Phillip got it started , well for a while anyway !
 When she tried to leave it died, good thing he looked back, and went around the block and came back to help!He cleaned it up with Diet Coke!
                                               Time to try it again
 That was so cool , he had a plug in on the front of his truck !And it ......... 
 worked, yea, Sue was able to drive home,without it dying on her , thank you Big Daddy Oh yeah and AARP!!!!!! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The end to a wonderful week-end !!!!!

This is where we started our afternoon, watching Joe walk the stage and receive his diploma for Video Production and his Outstanding Gruduate award !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 The family, only a few weren't there,and they were missed, we had so much fun and Sydney& her Mom were there ,so glad they were able to share this wonderful time with Joe they both Love him so much....  
 Aren't they sooooo cute.....................................
 the 2011 Graduates Joe and Piper, he wanted her to bring her cap so they could have their pic taken together, so sweet !!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Joe and his Aunt Jane and Aunt Cap, such a cute  pic.............

 after Dinner, we had to say goodby so bittersweet I was so proud of Joe for making a goal , reaching for them and achieving them. 
 It was a very looooog week-end , they passed out after a while , lighting storm and a flat tire. So glad they went to sleep before we were hit by a really nasty storm,in which Jane and Cap got lost several times in, LOL but thankfully they made it home .

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And still more LOL

We ate out a lot this week-end , this was the night before graduation . Joe and Sydney both seem to have been anxious for the Graduation Day to get here. We had so much fun being together!
Joe & Sydney
 Me & my Joe
 Mandy & Chris
 Joe & his dad Joe
Joe & his two biggest fans Piper and Shawn!!!!!    It was a fabulous, and fantastic ,I guess you could can we had a fantabulous time Lol  and yes there will be more !