Sunday, September 18, 2011

Soccer Game #1 !!!

Piper posing before the game and yes she did look so cute , then she had to warm up, just goes to show you girls can look cute no matter what they are doing :o) 

             Piper throwing  in the ball such form! 
 Her and her team mates , playing with a mission LOL

                Game over , I know they don't keep score              but,          (WE WON)             
           Played hard , and still looking good , Good game Piper !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grandparents Day at Fain School :o)

 This is how Fain School celebrate Grandparents Day , we had to exercise with our GBabies.... I really believe they (the school) are trying to weed out the weak LOL we had a wonderful time and yes I did exercise but her Grandpaw didn't , I think  next year we will make him !!!  Piper loves her family and we love her sooooo much !!!

this is her gym teacher !!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Birthday "55" :P

It was my 55th Birthday and it was Sister Sunday , we had Gluten free brownies and ice cream then we scrapped , oh yes and my dear sister Sue gave me an Edward doll :P I swear that sister is, well one of a kind ! And she is the one that made the BROWNIES yummmm!  

Welcome Home Michael !

Just wanted to share these pics , we went to Electra to see Michael just back from Iraq, and we met Sarah! They are getting married in October .... the pics are kinda of fuzzy , but hope you enjoy !

and of course had to end with my 2 beautiful GBabies !!!!!

A Night at the Theatre !

I went to the Theatre with my Sister Jane , her husband Wade and his Mom Dola !I laughed so hard !!These women were so funny !  

We always have the best time when we are together...........

1st day

after the 1st day of school we ( her Mom, Dad and I ) all took her to get ice cream, this is just the first day of 1st grade ! So many things to come for our sweet PIPER !!!