Thursday, July 7, 2011

The end to a wonderful week-end !!!!!

This is where we started our afternoon, watching Joe walk the stage and receive his diploma for Video Production and his Outstanding Gruduate award !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 The family, only a few weren't there,and they were missed, we had so much fun and Sydney& her Mom were there ,so glad they were able to share this wonderful time with Joe they both Love him so much....  
 Aren't they sooooo cute.....................................
 the 2011 Graduates Joe and Piper, he wanted her to bring her cap so they could have their pic taken together, so sweet !!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Joe and his Aunt Jane and Aunt Cap, such a cute  pic.............

 after Dinner, we had to say goodby so bittersweet I was so proud of Joe for making a goal , reaching for them and achieving them. 
 It was a very looooog week-end , they passed out after a while , lighting storm and a flat tire. So glad they went to sleep before we were hit by a really nasty storm,in which Jane and Cap got lost several times in, LOL but thankfully they made it home .

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