Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Son-n-law Chris!

Today was Chris's Birthday, he had a rough start to his day.. Piper was very sick during the night, and threw up on him! And so Mandy baked him a birthday cake,because he is such a great DAD!    Piper and Shawn met him in the garage and told him to close his eyes...
It was hard for him to walk with his eyes closed, but the kids helped him into the house!!!He did seem surprised!

Blowing out the candles, Shawn was so ready for cake he helped his Dad blow out the candles..... I say let him eat cake!!! Happy Birthday Chris..........

1 comment:

    What a sweet BLOG!! See it's precious moments like this we get to see and enjoy thanks to YOUR wonderful BLOG!!! LOVE IT!! :)
