Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pipers T-Ball Game

Piper is baseball ready, she had a game today. She comes from a family that plays a lot of ball !
She was running so fast she lost her batting helmet, but she came in SAFE !!!! YEA
 She used a different bat today, and man she hit that ball, she has her own bat it's pink! But she can hit better with the other one!!!!!! Go Piper :o) 
 My Daughter Mandy , Pipers Mom and her  husband Chris, and Piper of course and her sweet , sweet brother Shawn !!!
Well that was my evening !!!

1 comment:

  1. Go Piper!! And Debra!! This BLOG was GREAT!! She is such a cutie, and I LOVE that she has a PINK bat! ha! See you can look good while having fun! ha! :)
    Such a sweet family!! Keep up the great work!! Love ya!
